Sunday 14 December 2014

Thanaka Powder in india

Thanaka is an old beauty secret from Burma's used for Skin whining,Blemishes removal,Acne and acne spot removal and most impotently Thanaka powder is used for permanent hair removal if used with kusuma oil.
Thanaka is tree a found in Myanmar,Thailand and some native region,Thanaka bark is used to make Thanaka powder which is dark yellow,brownish or light yellowish color according to the age of trees,more than 35 years age is considered to make thanaka powder.

Thanaka Powder for Hair Removal

Thanaka powder being widely used to remove unwanted hair permanently.Two ingredient will be used to make thanaka paste 1 is Thanaka A grade powder and 2 is kusumba oil.Thanaka  past e should be applied daily at night and massage it uniformly on part where you want to remove unwanted hair.Thanaka powder should be used at least 3 month to get rid from hair permanently one can see result in 21 days continuous apply.
if you want to buy thanaka powder and kusumba oil call us bulk order also welcome
